This year we're going to try blogging on a real blogsite. Moodle, unfortunately, can't sustain these more creative ventures. So we're all going to use this blog for team posts and other postings related to the class that I might ask you to write.
Instructions: once you know what team you're going to be on, you should always LABEL your post according to your team's name. The labels must not have any spacing in them. For example, if you're in the Rubyfruit Jungle team, you would label your post TeamRubyfruitJungle. Or TeamZami or TeamGildaStories--all depending on which book you've chosen for your Midterm Report. Important: in order to earn Extra Credit points on your team's blog, you MUST label each team posting. You should also sign your full name to each post. The more material you add to your team post--such as photos of the author, a scan of the book cover, a book trailer or clips of the author reading from the book, and reviews of the book you're reading-- the more extra credit your team can earn. Exercise your creativity here.
You can also blog on this site just as an individual member of the class, which will have nothing to do with your team. Your Extra Credit work (an event or exhibition you attended, a play or movie you saw, which I've okayed as Extra Creidt) can be posted to the Blog. You should sign your name to each post, regardless of whether it's a team post or an individual post.
Graduate students, of course, may also post to this site, which you should label Grads. Guest speakers and others invited to view and comment on the blog should label their posts as Visitors.
Email me if you have any questions.
-- La Profe
The questions posted by la profe are ones that I have explored all of my life. I will have many posts for these two questions. One of the sources of my oppression is my biological family. I must use the descriptor "biological" because as a queer person of color, I have my own queer familia, one that I have constructed. This includes my cohort, whom I love dearly. My traumas begin with my parents. My mother because of her actions, my father because of his inactions. I have read "Loving..." several times, but Moraga's words haunt me. Am I a traitor because I desire men and, thus, will not procreate? Not to the extent that Moraga and other Chicanas are because as much as I work at discarding my male privilege, I must concede that I will always have it. How do I work at being the most radical woman-centered feminist man? I never say the "b" word. I never use another derogatory term for women popular in the gay male community. I do what I can for women-specific causes, e.g. I donate to Planned Parenthood, I have participated in a breast cancer run, I educated myself about the mujeres de Juárez (with the help of la profe), I teach my students about patriarchy and male privilege, and I worship lesbians of color. I know I should be doing more, but I have no time. That is no excuse. What I can do is to theorize a non-patriarchal, feminist-centered masculine identity. We need to teach men, particularly young, straight men, not to rape. That's all for now. I love this class!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment, Omar. But it would be helpful if you could add yourself to the Blog so that you can post individual comments with their own headers. It makes it easier to track who's interacting on this site, and your post might generate responses that will initiate a whole thread of sharing. There may not be that activity here. I appreciate how conscious you are of your male privilege and that you call yourself a feminist-centered, non-patriarchal man. We need more allies like you.