Monday, April 15, 2013

Working out my issues!

The questions posted by la profe are ones that I have explored all of my life. I will have many posts for these two questions. One of the sources of my oppression is my biological family. I must use the descriptor "biological" because as a queer person of color, I have my own queer familia, one that I have constructed. This includes my cohort, whom I love dearly. My traumas begin with my parents. My mother because of her actions, my father because of his inactions. I have read "Loving..." several times, but Moraga's words haunt me. Am I a traitor because I desire men and, thus, will not procreate? Not to the extent that Moraga and other Chicanas are because as much as I work at discarding my male privilege, I must concede that I will always have it. How do I work at being the most radical woman-centered feminist man? I never say the "b" word. I never use another derogatory term for women popular in the gay male community. I do what I can for women-specific causes, e.g. I donate to Planned Parenthood, I have participated in a breast cancer run, I educated myself about the mujeres de Juárez (with the help of la profe), I teach my students about patriarchy and male privilege, and I worship lesbians of color. I know I should be doing more, but I have no time. That is no excuse. What I can do is to theorize a non-patriarchal, feminist-centered masculine identity. We need to teach men, particularly young, straight men, not to rape. That's all for now. I love this class!


  1. Thank you, Omar, for posting these thoughts so that everybody could read them. I hope you get comments and that you spur others to share their "issues" with these two questions of Moraga's. How have I internalized oppression? How do I oppress?

  2. Thank you so much for sharing Omar. I truly appreciate your dedication to eradicating male privilege and patriarchy. The struggle continues but with people like you who are a part of the movement, I'm confident we are close to a better future.

    -Katherine Batanero

  3. Thank you, Profe and Katherine! We can defeat patriarchy!
